Programme director (research focus: experience)
Phone: +49 (0)681 302-3369
Hannah Steurer is the programme director for the research focus on experience at the Käte Hamburger Centre CURE; her own work focuses in particular on the poetics of experience as it relates to epidemic diseases. She is also interested in urban modes of writing, material cultures, and dream aesthetics, especially in French and Italian literature. She studied Romance languages and German studies, earning her PhD in 2020 with a dissertation titled “Tableaux de Berlin: Französische Blicke auf Berlin vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert” (Tableaux de Berlin: French Views on Berlin from the Nineteenth to the Twenty-First Century), which received the Dr. Eduard Martin Prize. Following her doctorate, she held a postdoctoral position in the research training group “European Dream Cultures,” funded by the German Research Foundation. In 2022, she joined the Excellence Programme for Women in Academia at Saarland University.
- Dinge träumen: Dingwelten und Traumkulturen in interdisziplinärer Perspektive. Edited with with Joachim Rees. Brill/Fink, 2024.
- “Unzuverlässiges Erzählen am Seitenrand: Fiktionale Fußnoten”. In Unzuverlässiges Erzählen in den romanischen Literaturen: Historisierungen, Revisionen, Öffnungen, edited by Sarah Burnautzki and Jobst Welge. De Gruyter, 2024.
- “Dans l’observatoire de la société: Philippe Lançon, chroniqueur du contemporain”. Lendemains – Études comparées sur la France 47, no. 186/187 (2023): 130–138.
- Menge und Krankheit. Edited with Milan Herold and Karin Schulz. Brill/Fink, 2023.
- “La forme du récit change plus vite hélas que le cœur d’un mortel? Modes d’autorisation dans la littérature urbaine”. Revue critique de fixxion française contemporaine 25 (2022).
- Tableaux de Berlin: Französische Blicke auf Berlin vom 19. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Winter, 2022.