Grand Opening of the Käte Hamburger Centre
The Käte Hamburger Centre for Cultural Practices of Reparation (CURE) was officially launched on Friday 8 November 2024, together with the opening for a new exhibition at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Völklinger Hütte. The centre, a flagship research institute at Saarland University supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), focuses on creating a transmedial framework for understanding processes of cultural reparation.
A Mesopotamian Re(s)pair: Dusty experimentations in the marshes amidst war and sanction
The Käte Hamburger Lectures provide deeper insight into the centre’s ongoing research, convey these ideas to the wider university community, and invite the public to engage in meaningful discussions on cultural practices of reparation.
The exhibition THE TRUE SIZE OF AFRICA explores approaches that retrace and uncover traditions of thought, biases, and stereotypes, offering new perspectives through a combination of cultural history, contemporary art, constantly shifting viewpoints, and a diversity of artistic voices.
EVENTS (selection)
UNESCO Weltkulturerbe Völklinger HütteUNESCO Weltkulturerbe Völklinger Hütte
The exhibition THE TRUE SIZE OF AFRICA explores approaches that retrace and uncover traditions of thought, biases, and stereotypes, offering new perspectives through a combination of cultural history, contemporary art, constantly shifting viewpoints, and a diversity of artistic voices.
Innovation Center, Campus Saarbrücken, Building A2 1, seminar room 3.05.1Innovation Center, Campus Saarbrücken, Building A2 1, seminar room 3.05.1
A Mesopotamian Re(s)pair: Dusty experimentations in the marshes amidst war and sanction
The Käte Hamburger Lectures provide deeper insight into the centre’s ongoing research, convey these ideas to the wider university community, and invite the public to engage in meaningful discussions on cultural practices of reparation.
Kino achteinhalb |
Nauwieserstraße 19
66111 SaarbrückenKino achteinhalb |
Nauwieserstraße 19
66111 SaarbrückenWilliam Klein, Festival panafricain d’Alger 1969
Film screening and discussion with CURE-Artist in Residence Zineb Sedira as part of the accompanying program for the exhibition THE TRUE SIZE OF AFRICA.
Innovation Center, Campus Saarbrücken, Building A2 1, seminar room 3.05.1Innovation Center, Campus Saarbrücken, Building A2 1, seminar room 3.05.1
“We are reduced to women” …. “We are just mere rats”: Reflections on the Post Disarmament Livelihood Sources and Gender Disparities in the Karamoja Region of Uganda
The Käte Hamburger Lectures provide deeper insight into the centre’s ongoing research, convey these ideas to the wider university community, and invite the public to engage in meaningful discussions on cultural practices of reparation.
Käte Hamburger Kolleg CUREKäte Hamburger Kolleg CURE
On the first Tuesday of each month, one or two fellows discuss the current state of the research they are conducting during their fellowship. The Tuesday Seminar Series serves as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange and a deeper exploration of research focused on cultural practices of reparation.
Campus Saarbrücken, Building B3 2, room 0.03 (Faculty of Humanities)Campus Saarbrücken, Building B3 2, room 0.03 (Faculty of Humanities)
Les avatars d’une théorie des pratiques culturelles de reparation
The Käte Hamburger Lectures provide deeper insight into the centre’s ongoing research, convey these ideas to the wider university community, and invite the public to engage in meaningful discussions on cultural practices of reparation.