Programme director (research focus: nature)
Phone: +49 (0)681 302-3344
Since October 2024, Hendrik Rungelrath is a visiting programme director, in place of Laurens Schlicht, responsible for the research focus on nature at the Käte Hamburger Centre CURE. Following studies of theology at the Universities of Bonn and Salzburg, and composition at the Mozarteum University Salzburg and the Berlin University of the Arts, he completed a PhD in 2020 with a dissertation on the concept of the Messianic in Giorgio Agamben’s work. Thereafter, he worked on a doctoral project at the Research Training Group “European Dream Cultures” at Saarland University, focusing on techniques of composition in contemporary music with thematic connections to dreams. His current research centres on ecomusicological approaches to sound practices.
- “Dreaming of a Seaman, Dreaming of the Bottom of the Sea: Making Sense of Dreams in Richard Wagner’s Der fliegende Holländer (1841) and Christian Ofenbauer’s SzenePenthesileaEinTraum (1999/2000)”. In Making – or Not Making – Sense of Dreams / Trouver – ou non – un sens au rêve, edited by Bernard Dieterle, Manfred Engel, and Laura Vordermayer. Königshausen & Neumann, 2024.
- “‘Hay que caminar’ sognando’ (Luigi Nono)”, entry in the Lexikon Traumkulturen of the Graduate Research Group “European Dream Cultures,” 2023,
- Das Messianische: Zum Gebrauch eines Begriffs im Werk von Giorgio Agamben. transcript, 2022.
- “‘Der Blick Eurydikens’: Anmerkungen zu zwei Passagen bei Adorno”. In Ausbrechende Subjektivität: Das Streichquartett in Beethovens Spätwerk und im 21. Jahrhundert, program notes for the tritonus Festival 2020/2021. tritonius, 2021.
- “Politik atheologisch begreifen – Theologie apolitisch begreifen? Erik Peterson zum Problem einer politischen Theologie”. In Das Heilige (in) der Moderne. Denkfiguren des Sakralen in Philosophie und Literatur des 20. Jahrhunderts, edited by Héctor Canal, Maik Neumann, Caroline Sauter, and Hans-Joachim Schott. transcript, 2013.