FELLOW 2024/25
Mona Körte has served as a professor of general and comparative literature and European-Jewish literature at the University of Bielefeld since 2018. Previously, between 2016 and 2018, she co-led the World Literature section at the Leibniz Center for Literary and Cultural Research in Berlin (ZfL), together with Daniel Weidner. In 2015, she held the position of Distinguished Max Kade Visiting Professor at the University of Virginia in Charlottesville and was also awarded a year-long fellowship at the Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. From 2013 to 2014, she was a fellow at the Alfried Krupp Wissenschaftskolleg Greifswald. She has also been a guest or acting professor at the University of Konstanz, the University of Graz, and the Technical University of Chemnitz. Since 2023, she has been on the advisory board of the Richard M. Meyer Foundation and since 2017, on the academic advisory board for the series Exile Cultures (with Metzler).
- “The Negation of Face: A Reading of Robert Antelme’s L’espèce humaine”. Disturbed Faces, Visages perturbés, Verstörte Gesichter. Colloquium Helveticum. Cahiers suisse de littérature générale et comparée 53 (2024): 131–144.
- “Survivals – Diverses: Weltliteratur als ethnologisches Projekt”. In Diversität und Darstellung: Zugehörigkeit und Ausgrenzung im Literaturmuseum und in den Literaturwissenschaften, edited by Sebastian Schönbeck and Magdalena Hülscher. Transkript, 2023.
- “Widerstand gegen die große Form: Patrick Modianos Romane in Untergröße”. Zeitschrift für Germanistik, Neue Folge 30, no. 3 (2020): 609–623.
- Edited. Rückwärtsvorgänge: Retrogrades Erzählen in Literatur, Kunst und Wissenschaft. Sonderausgabe von Zeitschrift für deutsche Philologie. Erich Schmidt, 2020.
- “Literarische Zeugenschaft der Shoah – Frühe Prosa über den Genozid”. In Darstellen, Vermitteln, Aneignen: Gegenwärtige Reflexionen des Holocaust, edited by Bettina Bannasch and Hans-Joachim Hahn. Vienna University Press, 2018.
- Essbare Lettern, brennendes Buch: Schriftvernichtung in der Literatur der Neuzeit. Fink, 2012.