Who can apply for a fellowship?

To apply, you must have an independent research project relevant to the KHK CURE program. Fellowships are available in two categories: Junior and Senior Fellowships. A completed PhD is required for Junior Fellowships, while Senior Fellowships typically require a professorial position (Associate or Full Professor) or an equivalent role (e.g., Senior Lecturer).

In which language can I submit my application?

Applications can be submitted in German, French, or English.

When is the application deadline?

Calls for applications are usually published by mid-October, with a submission deadline in mid-December.

How long does the selection process take, and when will I be informed of the decision?

The selection process involves evaluation of applications in collaboration with the KHK CURE Scientific Advisory Board. Decisions are finalized by late February, and all applicants are informed of the outcome no later than the end of March.

What are the criteria for selecting fellows?

Selection is based on academic excellence and the relevance of the proposed research project to the KHK CURE program. The applicant’s academic qualifications, motivation letter, and diversity considerations are also taken into account.

Do diversity aspects play a role in the selection process?

Yes. KHK CURE is committed to diversity and welcomes applications regardless of gender, nationality, ethnic or social background, religion or belief, disability, age, sexual orientation, or identity.

I am a German citizen and/or employed at a German university. Can I still apply?

Yes. Researchers based in Germany or affiliated with German research institutions are eligible, provided they meet the requirements stated in the call for applications.

However, members of Saarland University are not eligible to apply due to regulations from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

My application was unsuccessful. Can I reapply in the next round?

Yes, as long as your application continues to meet the criteria outlined in the subsequent call for applications, you are welcome to reapply.

When does the fellowship begin?

Fellowships typically start on October 1 each year and last for 12 months. Shorter stays may be arranged in consultation with KHK CURE.

How many fellowships are awarded each year?

Up to 12 fellowships are awarded annually, including up to seven Junior Fellowships and five Senior Fellowships. One Junior Fellowship is funded by the University of the Greater Region (UniGR) and is exclusively open to researchers employed at one of the UniGR partner universities (RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Université de Liège, Université de Lorraine, Universität Luxemburg, Universität Trier). Another Junior Fellowship is financed by Saarland University. The remaining fellowships are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).

During the selection process, the individual career stage of each applicant is carefully considered. Based on this assessment, applications are categorized as either Junior or Senior Fellowships. The evaluation and review of these two fellowship types are conducted separately within the selection process.

What does the fellowship funding include?

At KHK CURE, fellows are provided with fully equipped individual offices and benefit from access to the interdisciplinary research environment of Saarland University. There are two different funding models: 1) Stipendiary Fellowship: Fellows on unpaid leave from their home institutions receive a monthly stipend (approx. €6,100–7,200) based on their experience. 2) Salary Continuation Fellowship: For fellows who continue to receive their regular salary from their home institution, KHK CURE can cover the costs of a teaching replacement at the fellow’s home institution. All financial arrangements are negotiated individually between the fellow’s home institution and KHK CURE.

What is not covered by the fellowship?

Fellows must arrange their own health, liability, and accident insurance and provide proof of coverage before starting their research. Tax obligations, if applicable, are the responsibility of the fellow and should be clarified with the relevant tax authorities.

Is physical presence at the Kolleg required during the fellowship?

Yes, fellows are expected to actively participate in the Kolleg’s research program and be regularly present throughout the fellowship.

Does the Kolleg fund business or research travel during the fellowship?

KHK CURE does not cover business or research travel during the fellowship. However, travel costs for the journey to Saarbrücken at the start of the fellowship and the return trip at its conclusion are reimbursed in accordance with Saarland’s travel reimbursement regulations.

Can my partner and/or children join me in Saarbrücken during the fellowship?

Yes, partners and children are welcome to join. Suitable family accommodations are provided free of charge, and support is available for finding childcare or schools. Fellows receive a monthly family allowance of €100 for a partner, €400 for the first child under 18, and €100 for each additional child under 18. Travel costs for family members must be covered by the fellow.

What type of accommodation is provided to Fellows?

Saarland University offers all Fellows fully furnished apartments, free of charge, including utilities. These apartments are conveniently located near the Kolleg.

What is the average cost of living in Germany for Fellows?

The average monthly cost of food in Germany ranges between €400 and €800, depending on the size of the household. Naturally, these figures can vary based on individual needs and preferences.

Are there any transportation benefits for Fellows?

Yes, Fellows can purchase a discounted Deutschlandticket, which allows unlimited travel on public transport (ÖPNV and SPNV) throughout Germany. This includes all participating local and regional transport networks, state tariffs, and non-networked areas. The ticket costs approximately €35 per month and covers buses and trains in regional and local public transport systems across Germany.

What insurance should I arrange for my fellowship at KHK CURE?

Fellows are not covered by KHK CURE or Saarland University for health, liability, or accident insurance. Health insurance is mandatory in Germany and must be arranged before the fellowship begins. Liability and accident insurance are optional but strongly recommended. It is advisable to check with your home insurance provider regarding international coverage and consider additional policies if necessary.

How is my data processed and protected?

Personal data is collected and processed in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to facilitate the application process and award the fellowship.

If you have further questions, please contact the Fellowship Coordinator, Ms. Ramona Weber, at ramona.weber@khk.uni-saarland.de.