Käte Hamburger Lecture with Fellow Diana Rodríguez Vértiz
Innovation Center, Campus Saarbrücken, Building A2 1, Seminar room 3.05.1
The Käte Hamburger Centre for Cultural Practices of Reparation (CURE) and the CEUS | Cluster for European Studies warmly invite you to attend the next Käte Hamburger Lecture at Saarland University. This series allows fellows from the centre to share their latest research perspectives on cultural practices of reparation. After the lectures, audience members will have the opportunity to engage with key topics in more detail during a public discussion session.
Diana Rodríguez Vértiz: Luis Hernández Camarero: A Medical (Po)ethics
In his poem “Medicine was born when” (“La medicina nació cuando”), doctor and poet Luis Hernández Camarero states his medical principles and illustrates them through the ideas of Baudelaire, Mauriac, and Freud. According to the poem, medicine was born when “someone recognized in another figure a fellow. A fellow and, as such, always worthy, even when unworthy, of their dignity”. This dignification of healing will be explored as the shared purpose of poetry and medicine, which implies a set of shared moral values. For that, I will analyze Hernández’s reception of the Hippocratic Corpus and a number of Medical Humanities debates of the 60s and 70s. Additionally, I will focus on how Hernández’s dual experience of the medical space – as a doctor and a patient – helped him develop a creative project that tried to spread compassion, empathy, and the evasion of pain, which – according to him – are the foundations of the birth of medicine.
The Käte Hamburger Lectures provide deeper insight into the centre’s ongoing research, convey these ideas to the wider university community, and invite the public to engage in meaningful discussions on cultural practices of reparation.
Registration for online participation: kontakt@khk.uni-saarland.de