Judith Kasper and Diana María Rodríguez Vértiz will share updates on the progress of their projects
Käte Hamburger Kolleg CURE
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The Tuesday Seminar Series is a recurring format that encourages dialogue among fellows. On the first Tuesday of each month, one or two fellows discuss the current state of the research they are conducting during their fellowship. The Tuesday Seminar Series serves as a platform for interdisciplinary exchange and a deeper exploration of research focused on cultural practices of reparation.
During the February-session, fellows Judith Kasper and Diana María Rodríguez Vértiz will present their projects:
Judith Kasper: „Am Irreparablen flicken. Potentiale einer armen Praxis/ Mending the Irreparable. Potentials of Poor Practice“
Diana María Rodríguez Vértiz: “Luis Hernández Camarero: A Poetics of Healing, a Poetics of Reparation”
The Tuesday Seminar Series is generally restricted to members of the centre If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to kontakt@khk.uni-saarland.de.