FELLOW 2024/25

A professor at the State University of Haiti since 2008, Jean Hérald Legagneur teaches art history and mythology. He specializes in Haitian and Caribbean Francophone literature and visual arts, with a focus on cultural heritage preservation, identity issues, and cultural studies. He holds a PhD in literature from the University of Virginia and a master’s in philosophy and contemporary cultural criticism from the University Paris 8, in addition to having studied modern literature at the State University of Haiti. From 2017 to 2021, he served as an assistant professor of French and African American studies at the University of Virginia. In 2021, he managed the transfer of collections from the Musée d’Art Haïtien to the Centre d’art in Port-au-Prince. In 2023, he was appointed to the jury at the Haitian Centre d’art for its visual arts creation support program. His fellowship at CURE involves developing a theory of cultural reparation by analyzing artworks from the 277th Centre d’art Exhibition, demonstrating how these pieces reflect the gang violence in Haiti.


  • “Le style d’Étienne Chavannes, peintre de l’école du Cap”. In Étienne Chavannes: Les racines sont profondes. Exhibition Catalogue.Centre d’art de Port-au-Prince, 2018. https://indd.adobe.com/view/3cbe2afd-a84b-4746-9ee3-dcb2c8f1fb88.
  • “Dany Laferrière, celui qui devient écrivain pour remplir les marges”. Revue DO·KRE·I·S 3 (2020): 36–39.
  • “Jean Loup Pivin, Joël Andrianomearisoa et Pascal Martin Saint Léon (dir.), La Chambre de Mario Benjamin / Babacar M’Bow, Philippe Dodard: L’idée de modernité dans l’art contemporain haïtien”. Gradhiva 21 (2015): 252–253.
  • “Les Villes imaginaires de Préfète Duffaut”. Arts et Savoirs 5  (2015). http://journals.openedition.org/aes/338.
  • “L’énigme du retour de Dany Laferrière ou quand imaginaire et urgence du social se transforme en Cahier du retour au pays natal”. Voix plurielles 10, no. 2 (2013): 295–311. https://doi.org/10.26522/vp.v10i2.866.

CURE Research Project