FELLOW 2024/25

Željana Tunić has been an associate professor of Slavic cultural studies at MLU Halle-Wittenberg since 2022. Her topics revolve around how societies in Slavic-speaking countries are coming to terms with experiences of war, violence and radical erosion of societal networks. Tunić focuses on literary works as well as cultural processes of various kinds, from performing arts to photographs, exhibitions, monuments or practices of remembrance. She has recently also turned to forensic investigations after mass crimes and their cultural meditation in the public discourse. Additional research on cultural exchange between socialist (South-) Eastern Europe and Africa during the Cold War and its continuing effects today constitutes an integral part of Tunic’s research landscape. She is a member of the scientific advisory board of the Southeast Europe Society (SOG) and leads its branch office in Halle.


  • ‘Knochen lügen nie’? Historische Faktizität und Fragilität menschlicher Überreste (Historische Anthropologie). Edited with Alexa Stiller. In preparation.
  • Zoran Đinđić als Erinnerungsfigur in Serbien. Märtyrer, Wiedergänger, Jedermann. Harrassowitz, 2024.
  • With Snežana Stanković. “Unearth Not: Gestures of concealment and Zlatko Paković’s theatre of reveal in Post-Yugoslav Serbia”. Performance Research 26, no. 8 (2021): 41–51. https://doi.org/10.1080/13528165.2021.2087373.
  • “Poetik der Ruinen”. Chronistik: Chronistische Schreibweisen. https://chronistik.germanistik.uni-halle.de/2023/07/poetik-der-ruinen/.
  • “Zur (Nekro-)Politik der Körper auf der Straße: Protest und öffentliche Trauer in Serbien um das Jahr 2000”. Body Politics 11 (2019): 179–197. http://bodypolitics.de/de/archiv/?ausgabe=24.
  • “Satire als Überlebensstrategie eines Melancholikers: Der Roman Gnusoba von Svetislav Basara”. In Schein und Sein: Sichtbares und Unsichtbares in den Kulturen Südosteuropas, edited by Wolfgang Dahmen and Gabriella Schubert. Harrasowitz, 2019.

Website of Željana Tunić

CURE Research Project