Käte Hamburger Lecture avec Fellow Željana Tunić


Innovation Center, Campus Saarbrücken, bâtiment A2 1, salle 3.05.1




Le centre Käte Hamburger pour l’étude des pratiques culturelles de réparation (CURE) et le CEUS | Cluster de recherche européenne, ont le plaisir de vous inviter à la prochaine Käte Hamburger Lecture à l’université de la Sarre. Dans le cadre de cette série de manifestations, les résidentes et résidents du centre présentent l’état actuel de leur recherche sur les pratiques culturelles de réparation. Après les conférences, des discussions plus approfondies peuvent avoir lieu sous la forme d’un débat public.

Željana Tunić: Zur Kintsugi-Erinnerungsarbeit in der Nachkriegsgesellschaft Bosnien und Herzegowinas

What does it mean to live in environments contaminated by landmines and various military
waste, where torture and killing echo through time? How do people who were unable or, for
some reason, unwilling to flee the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and have remained behind
confront such daily reminders of suffering? This lecture concerns the ways in which livability is reconfigured and restored. By following museum exhibitions, literary works, and movements organized by survivors, I aim to explore three modes of memory work shaped by narratives of survival and never-ending residues of pain. My analysis is guided by the novel Body Kintsugi by a writer from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Senka Marić, which tells a story of illness, fragmentation, and healing. The narration in the second person invites us to inhabit the disfigured and scarred body and set off in search of recovery. In this spirit, I foreground survivors’ agency in not neglecting, hiding, or silencing their wounds but making them parts of restorative meaning-making. The reiterating motives of bodily inflicted pain through violence, shame, grief, loss, and caring solidarities guide the above-mentioned acts of remembrance. In line with Kintsugi poetics of visible and incomplete repair, I seek to capture various states of becoming upon which wounds remain significantly visible.

Les Käte Hamburger Lectures permettent de découvrir les recherches en cours au centre, de les partager à l’université et d’engager tous les publics intéressés dans une réflexion sur les pratiques culturelles de la réparation.

Inscription pour participation en ligne: kontakt@khk.uni-saarland.de